@article{huang2024weak,title={Weak Poincar\'{e} Inequalities, Simulated Annealing, and Sampling from Spherical Spin Glasses},author={Huang, Brice and Mohanty, Sidhanth and Rajaraman, Amit and Wu, David X},journal={ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing},year={2025}}
Provable Weak-to-Strong Generalization via Benign Overfitting
@article{wu2024provable,title={Provable Weak-to-Strong Generalization via Benign Overfitting},author={Wu, David X and Sahai, Anant},journal={International Conference on Learning Representations (Preliminary version at NeurIPS'24 M3L Workshop)},year={2025}}
@article{liu2024locally,title={Locally Stationary Distributions: A Framework for Analyzing Slow-Mixing Markov Chains},author={Liu, Kuikui and Mohanty, Sidhanth and Raghavendra, Prasad and Rajaraman, Amit and Wu, David X},journal={IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},equal_contribution={Liu, Kuikui and Mohanty, Sidhanth and Raghavendra, Prasad and Rajaraman, Amit and Wu, David X},year={2024}}
@article{liu2024fast,title={Fast Mixing in Sparse Random Ising Models},author={Liu, Kuikui and Mohanty, Sidhanth and Rajaraman, Amit and Wu, David X},journal={IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},equal_contribution={Liu, Kuikui and Mohanty, Sidhanth and Rajaraman, Amit and Wu, David X},year={2024}}
@article{mohanty2024robust,title={Robust recovery for stochastic block models, simplified and generalized},author={Mohanty, Sidhanth and Raghavendra, Prasad and Wu, David X},journal={ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing},year={2024},equal_contribution={Mohanty, Sidhanth and Raghavendra, Prasad and Wu, David X}}
@article{wu2023precise,title={Precise Asymptotic Generalization for Multiclass Classification with Overparameterized Linear Models},author={Wu, David X and Sahai, Anant},journal={Neural Information Processing Systems},year={2023},equal_contribution={Wu, David X}}
@article{wu2023training,title={On the Training Instability of Shuffling SGD with Batch Normalization},author={Wu, David X and Yun, Chulhee and Sra, Suvrit},journal={International Conference on Machine Learning},year={2023},equal_contribution={Wu, David X}}
@article{wu2022maximum,title={Maximum A Posteriori Inference of Random Dot Product Graphs via Conic Programming},author={Wu, David X and Palmer, David and DeFord, Daryl R},journal={SIAM Journal on Optimization},volume={32},number={4},pages={2527--2551},year={2022},publisher={SIAM},equal_contribution={Wu, David X}}